Friday, January 22, 2010

Using Chapstick Makes Lips Is It True That Using Chapstick/lip Balm Makes Your Lips Stop Producing It's Own Oils?

Is it true that using chapstick/lip balm makes your lips stop producing it's own oils? - using chapstick makes lips

I was addicted to lip balm "Chapstick since I am back in my youth. Now I'm 36 and not go anywhere without lip balm. If I have my lips very dry and Flakey. I can not wear lipstick more for that reason, I've heard that the use of lip balm is the root of the problem .. Can it be true, if so, how can I stop now? "I drink lots of water, so I do not believe in ( 'need to drink the water") response. Mela I currently use lip balm to vanilla and even though I love the moment I can not use it, my lips dry again. It is an oil base, such as lip balm brand. Could this be the problem? Or just use lip balm Total Who advice?


nitebear... said...

These products have something bad like everyone is always the same problem. Or more hydrate or do something else, and if you stop dry mouth. It takes at least a week to repair, if not more, after the balm.

We only have one of these things and this experience was not the best. I helped with the dryness, if necessary, but then I realized they were too dry. So do not use them and have no problems with the natural moisture of the lips.

Julienne P said...

Chapstick I doubt your lips will prevent the production of oil, because they are not separated pores. Your lips will be natually protected by saliva. Chapstick, you really need, when you in the sun (and lips always dry), or if you sleep (if it is slowed down by much salivation). Try licking his lips from time to time and see if it works.

Kelly Anne said...

I do not think it dries the mouth. Maybe just have naturally dry lips. I use lip balm for years, but not so terrible when not in use

Kelly Anne said...

I do not think it dries the mouth. Maybe just have naturally dry lips. I use lip balm for years, but not so terrible when not in use

Kelly Anne said...

I do not think it dries the mouth. Maybe just have naturally dry lips. I use lip balm for years, but not so terrible when not in use

Kelly Anne said...

I do not think it dries the mouth. Maybe just have naturally dry lips. I use lip balm for years, but not so terrible when not in use

Kelly Anne said...

I do not think it dries the mouth. Maybe just have naturally dry lips. I use lip balm for years, but not so terrible when not in use

:) said...

I know that if u abuse often

u should not try to use it for three days and then again on the lip balm. at least twice a month.

Believe me, I'ma doctor

Danu said...

If you .. true, but only with plastics. we are dependent on them (especially the lip balm with oil in it) and inhibits Ablitas his own body moisturizer. Then you use a natural oil like coconut oil or beeswax, shea butter

thiswitt... said...

Lips do not produce oil. Rub your lips with extra virgin olive oil. so smooth

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