Saturday, January 23, 2010

Can You Get Ringworm Inside Vigina How Can I Tell If I Gave My Cats Ringworm?

How can I tell if I gave my cats ringworm? - can you get ringworm inside vigina

I may or may not ringworm on my hand. I have both indoor and outdoor cats. I suspect that if I have ringworm, you have one of my cats. My question is .... How do I know if I went into my cat. See all normal. I do not see a patch of hair loss or something else. BTW I had this issue on the hand for about 3 weeks. It is scaly and round. I thought it was very dry skin.

1 comment:

Constance B said...

Ringworm, contrary to popular belief, not worms. Ringworm is a fungal infection. You can try to use at home only with the cream for eczema or athlete's foot.

The term "braid" or "moth" refers to fungal infections on the surface of the skin. The original idea was that the infection by a worm that was not caused. It is the result of fungal infection. But the name "lichen remains.
While the infection can be caught from cat is likely to collect in a pool, shower, toilet, and it is difficult to identify the cause of a fungus

Examples of such drugs for the treatment of ringworm include those that contain clotrimazole (Cruex cream, Desenex cream, Lotrimin cream, lotion and solution)), miconazole (Monistat Derm cream), ketoconazole (Nizoral cream) and terbinafine (Lamisil cream and solution. All these products are available over the counter.

Although humans and cats can contract ringworm, passing between the speciesis very unlikely (less than 3%), but not impossible.

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